Monitor Data Under Insulation.

iSensPro offers peace of mind and cost reductions to its industrial colleagues by predicting the start and progress of CUI on new and existing systems. Easy to install and easy to live with, our unique, patented, non-intrusive sensor technology monitors assets 24/7, enabling the in-depth data analysis that accurate maintenance planning demands.

Doe maar duurzaam

Christophe Haddad gaat in gesprek met Yves Desmet
om te zien wat Isenspro aan duurzaamheid doet en vraagt hen om tips,
zodat eenieder van ons bij kan dragen aan een duurzame toekomst.


‘Doe maar duurzaam’ heeft aandacht voor diverse ontwikkelingen met het oog op een duurzame toekomst.

Corrosion under insulation corrodes more than physical assets.

Corrosion costs the processing industries billions of euros worldwide every year in scheduled maintenance and repairs as well as unplanned downtime and accident response. 80% of corrosion under insulation (CUI) is on piping and causes 60% of pipe failure; CUI multiplies safety risks immeasurably and causes untold worry for operations managers and maintenance teams.

iSensPro is changing the terms of engagement with CUI. Our unique, patented monitoring technology has the power to make insulation and static equipment smart—and bring operations teams peace of mind as never before.

Corrosion under insulation is a severe form of localized corrosion that poses significant operational risks, safety hazards and economic costs such as:

  • expensive and incomplete manual inspections

  • loss in productivity due to unplanned downtime or prolonged shutdowns

  • premature equipment replacement

  • energy loss from compromised insulation

Until now, risk-based inspections (RBI) have been the primary means of mitigating these problems. Unfortunately, the material costs and risks to human safety with this method range from serious to astronomical—and that’s not counting high repair costs that might have been reduced or prevented with earlier detection of insulation moisture and CUI.

There is a light at the end of the CUI pipeline
The iSensPro sensor system is an innovative, patented, non-intrusive, permanent sensor system to monitor data under insulation continuously. Yes, 24/7. Sensors generate data on insulation and static equipment such as pipes and tanks that can be analysed in conjunction with other data on movement, temperature and cloud-sourced external environmental conditions. The result? Continuous monitoring to detect the start of corrosion and the progress of corrosion.





Easy to install on the outside of the cladding with no need to remove existing insulation. Ideal as a retrofit for existing or new installations.

Automated inspection and detection of moisture under insulation monitored in real time, 24/7.

iSensPro sensors are mounted on the exterior of the cladding and monitor the entire section in 360° around the piping.

Industrial Enthusiasm Goes Both Ways

 iTanks Innovatie Theater | iSensPro, Monitor Data Under Insulation

In deze korte video vertelt Yves Desmet over de sensor die iSensPro ontwikkeld heeft. Deze sensor kan vocht en corrosie op geïsoleerde leidingen of tanks monitoren en kan geplaatst worden op een niet -intrusieve manier.

Dirk De Keukeleere vertelt over het onderzoek dat gezamenlijk met de Vrije Universiteit Brussel wordt opgestart om een fundamentele onderbouwing te krijgen van wat iSenspro met de sensor meet en hoe de meetmethodiek zich vergelijkt met meer conventionele technieken.

In een tijd dat vakbekwaam technisch personeel steeds schaarser wordt, is de sensor van iSenspro een oplossing die bijdraagt aan mensarme werkprocessen.